Andres Tagi Kakosimidi

IMG_7468.JPGIt all started at 12:00 AM on May 6, 2017 when I called my brother Khrist. I asked how Mari’s (sister in law) contractions were and he said they are 6 minutes apart. I made sure they were ready to go to the hospital. They were hesitant because they’ve gone 2 nights in a row and they were both false alarms. Since my youngest brother Tagi was coming home from his honeymoon, We all decided to meet at my parents home to welcome them back home, and to go to the hospital all together.

Before we got to my parents house, We stopped and got a couple necessities for my sister in law. Small things like a tooth brush and tooth paste. Luckily, She had her bag packed with extra clothes for her and the soon to be born baby.  We got to my parents house and had some bbq and drinks. Mari was timing her contractions and was in a little bit of pain. It was definitely time! My parents followed Khris and Mari while we waited 20 minutes to see if we could see her. Surely we were allowed to, and went into her hospital room.

She room was spacious with other beds, but she was the only patient. While the men left, I stayed with my mom and Mari. I held her hand through her contractions while my mother was comforting her. I couldn’t bare to see her go through that pain, but I knew it would pass over time and we would finally see our beautiful blessing. The nurse came in and checked how far she was dilated. She was only 2 cm dilated when the pushing process starts at 10cm. I knew we had a long way to go. My sister in law hung in super strong, and in-between contractions she would say the funniest things. At a moments need, I started crying because I was so proud of her. I can’t describe her pain because Ive never been in this situation, but as she described her contractions felt like a knife piercing her belly.

The nurse came to check on her once more and then the doctor came in. She was admitted to the hospital. We walked over to her own room. Again, it was spacious, and that was where she was going to deliver. Since she couldn’t bare the pain anymore she got an IV Med which would make the unbearable contraction pain a little less. Her 1-10 was a six and turned into a F&^$in 8, like Mari described. My mother Khris, and I helped her breathe and kept trying to keep her mind off the pain. They signed up for a Stem Cycle which means they need to take her blood, and then once she delivers take the umbilical cord and hold it up to 30 years. Just in case someone has cancer or kidney failure, or things of that nature, this would help. I knew this was the perfect gift for them! I mean, why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to help in the future. They made the perfect choice!

Once the Anesthesiologist was done with another patient, he came in and gave Mari her epidural. We needed to step out the room, but the way Mari described it was so intense. She said it was a small needle which was an okay feeling. This needle sent a burning and numbing feeling through her spine. Then came the longest needle she had ever seen! She needed to arch her body forward and not move. The nurse finally found the spot the needle had to go through and till now Mari can’t describe the horrible feeling she felt. At this point Mari was at 4 cm. The epidural kicked in and Mari knocked out for quite sometime.

It was 6:00 AM and the doctor said she would most likely deliver by 12:00PM. While we lounged around, talked, ate, slept in uncomfortable chairs, the clock ticked till 9:00 AM. Once the nurse came and check her dilation she was at 4 cm. We were so impatient and couldn’t believe she was ONLY 4 cm! We did not expect her visit to be this long. The time kept going by so slow, its like every 1 that past by was only one minute. The time now was 3:00pm. The Doctor came in and said we need to break your water. Mari disagreed, but the doctor wanted to speed up her process. Mari didn’t feel anything since she was on epidural. It took him 30 seconds and it was done. I freaked out a little bit seeing it happen, but since Mari wasn’t in pain, I was fine. After a while the nurse came in and said she is at 6 CM.

By 6:00 pm, Mari felt a little bit of contractions and asked for some more epidural. The epidural isn’t needled in every time, only once and the epidural is just pumped in her spine every time it would wear off and if only Mari wanted it. Mari took it any chance she got, because her pain was so severe. We all went downstairs to give her and Khris some space. I decided instead of waiting in the waiting room, I rather go home and get some sleep. Ive been up for over 24 hours, and I felt so weak. My cousin Zara and I went to her house and slept for a couple hours.

Once I awakened, I called my mom. It was 8:00PM and she didn’t give me great news. By the way, Mari did not dilated anymore than 6 cm for 5 hours! The news was that apparently the cord was wrapped around the babies neck and thats why his head wasn’t positioned lower than it should, and it wasn’t time to deliver and wasn’t dialing at all. That was a long sentence wasn’t it, hard to catch your breath? Well, thats how I felt when I heard the news! Mari developed an infection since the baby pooped while in the womb. The doctor went in her room and called an emergency C-Section. Right before we got to the hospital I got a photo of our beautiful blessing! I cried right away! He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen!

By 9:00PM our immediate family showed up and we toasted to the new member of our family. We waited till exactly 12:00AM to see my nephew. They changed Mari’s room to a lower floor, and I couldn’t wait to go in and hold him. The joy I felt holding him in my arms. His little button nose was making the most beautiful breath noise, and his lips were creating small little bubbles over and over again.

You guys don’t understand. I am a Aunt. Not an unofficial aunt, but his actual and only aunt. Horkur for all my Armenians 🙂 … What I said to my father was that I want Andres to love and respect me like I love and respect my horkur. My horkur is my favorite relative because she is not only my godmother, but she has the most beautiful soul on this planet. I want Andres to come to me for any need he has. I want him to look up to me the same way I look up to my Horkur. My father started smiling and crying, I mean it is his sister I am speaking about, and he always tells me how much she loves me.

Andres, I will read this story to you one day. I also will tell you how excited your uncles, grandparents and cousins were to meet you. But I for sure know, that you will have a special place in my heart, and that I would do anything to protect you like my very own son. I already unconditionally love you. The fact that I have tears in my eyes now typing this up. I hope you can come to me for advice and for anything you need. I know you mother knows most about your father, but second to her as a woman is me, and if you need me to I will kick your fathers butt! Just kidding, remember to always respect your mother and father. No one will love you and give you honest advice besides them. You need to know that you are blessed to have such a hardworking father. He will do anything in his power for you because you are his son. And I can’t emphasis enough about your wonderful mother. I have never met such a kind and loving soul. She will fight for you 100% and will love you like no other.

I love you Andres Tagi Kakosimidi. BTW, your middle name is named after your uncle. And you are very lucky for that. Your uncle will break mountains apart for you.

Andres Tagi Kakosimidi

Born on May 6, 2017

Location: Tarzana Providence Medical Center

7 LBS 8 Ounces

XOXO, Marbiesworld

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